
Do all you can to live a peaceful life. Take care of your own business. Do your own work. We have already told you to do these things. If you do, then people who are not believers will respect you. And you will not have to depend on others for what you need.
— Thessalonians 4:11-12

hey yall! it’s been a minute since i posted a blog & this ones gonna be a little different than what i’ve been posting.

i’ve been doing some “soul searching” as some might call it & i just wanna reflect & share what i’ve learned, hopefully to inspire some of you.

this year i had BIG goals. ya know, new year goals & really big plans. i didn’t meet them.. but i’ve started looking at it more as i haven’t* met them.. yet.

prospective changes everything. i wanted all my orders held over from december to be finished by february. i still have one to finish & i just finished one yesterday. it’s not a failure, it’s a set back that i had to work through. life happened. life HAPPENS- all the time! things don’t always go according to your plans & that’s okay.

i had a wreck with a horse a couple weeks ago, which gave me the perfect excuse to take a few days off & recharge. turns out that’s all i needed. i had been working nonstop for 4 months trying to meet my goals, but i felt like i got nothing done. take time for yourself, it’s important.

i have been listening to podcasts, reading books & taking time to myself. one of my favorite books is Matthew McConaughey’s “Greenlights”. what stands out to me in his book is even a movie star, widely known who probably doesn’t want for much financially, still has set backs. he too has yellow & red lights as he puts it.

here’s what’s funny about red lights.. if you wait for your turn, they change to green.

after my accident i couldn’t ride for about a week. i have a mare in training of my own, i was helping my dad start one of his & i was planning on getting my horses legged up for polo season. my wreck felt like a red light. i slept for almost two days straight, then i hit the leather room. i realized i was spreading myself too thin. i was exhausted & not putting my best into my priorities, i was putting just enough in everything i was doing. i had no focus, i was just rolling through the motions & they were kicking my ass.

my accident, which felt like a massive red light, two days later turned green.

my cousin took my to the PBR in OKC the weekend after my accident, then we went to the racetrack, saw some friends, did a little gambling. i not only got to rest, i got a break.

don’t be afraid to take time to yourself, reset, reboot & get back to the grind.

so i wanted to just go over a few things that i HAVE accomplished.. later in the year than i preferred, but they’re checked off the list & that’s a big deal to me.

i’ve had multiple friends & customers ask me to start doing videos of my work to learn the basics & witness the work put into my orders. so if y’all head over to my instagram there’s some live videos showing a little insight & behind the scenes!

i also started a tiktok under my personal name where i have posting my custom orders as well as some of the good stuff that happens around the ranch.

i’ve had quite a few orders go out & a bunch more getting wrapped up.. but here’s a peak at what i’ve got done recently.

i hope y’all took something away from this & are encouraged to take life by the horns. have a blessed day!